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Review of film Yodha


It is a film full of action and drama. Siddharth Malhotra, the actor, fights like a machine in the film. The New Hindi action movie Yodha is cut from similar clothes to three Rambo films of the past.

Arun (Siddharth Malhotra) is a young boy who worships his soldier father. who was killed leaving some big Freudian boots to fill. Arun vows to live to be worthy of wearing the uniform of his dad’s badass task force, the “Yodha” of the title, or else his “corpse will be wrapped in our flag”. Many bone-crunching displays of patriotism follow over the subsequent two hours.

Directors Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha fully commit to the bit: there are camera zooms and dramatic musical stings that wouldn’t be out of place in an action-comedy. Malhotra gives a credibly handsome turn in the main role, playing the sort of chap who can take a finger in the bullet hole in his arm without blubbing about it, while smoothly delivering lines like: “My country will exist forever.” Malhotra’s only proper competition in the performance stakes comes in the second half when various fun villains are unveiled, which shows how dry most of the supporting characters in the first half were. Like the Rambo movies, though, it’s really all about the main man, his borderline-magical fighting skills, and questionable flag-waving. The film is entertaining and filmgoers for some time enjoy the actions of the lead actor.

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